Saturday, June 16, 2007

Quiet weekend

Something I forgot to mention the other day....R.I.P. Mr. Wizard. I spent many long hours watching you as a kid, and you probably had more influence than I know on my chosen career. Thanks for making Science fun. :)

Spent a day today out garage saleing with J, whom I haven't seen in ages. It's been since freshman year in college that we've been saleing, and it was nice to go again. I found a few treasures at more than reasonable prices, including a german-style clay baker for my kitchen (yummy for stew and pot pie next winter) and a copy of "My Fair Lady" which, for some reason, has been on my "must watch again" list for the past few weeks. Maybe because we are playing selections from it in Band? A set of citronella torches for the garden and handblown wineglasses (for $.15 apiece) rounded out my day. Cheap treasures that I have wanted but couldn't justify buying for full price, serendipity that I found them today.

Came home to clean for our Father's day BBQ tomorrow. I'm exhausted now, ready for some Audrey Hepburn and a glass of water...Yes, a glass of wine would be nice, but the baby gets no wine. :)

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