I probably should have done some kind of witty run up to that announcement, but I just couldn't. Hubby and I waited three long months to tell our parents, and we finally did last night....now I can share my excitement with everyone...I'm just over the moon.
I went a long time after losing Tiny Man thinking "Well, this is it"...we would only have one child. I was older ( not old, just older ): 35, and I figured I would never be ready to try and be a new mom again. Slowly, though, I started to remember how lovely babies are. The fact that I could remember all the lovely parts instead of the up-at-night, no-sleeping, post-partum-hell parts is a witness either to the amazing elasticity of the brain, or mental illness. I'm not sure which.
At any rate, we're ready to give this another go. More on telling the parents later.
Congrats from Jake, Amber, Luke, and Brynn!!
Congrats!!! How exciting!
Well, I just lost my first comment, so will try again. I'm very happy and excited for you and will keep you four in my prayers all the way!
Well, guess I'll be anonymous, since it won't accept my password.
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