Sunday, November 15, 2009

What I did today

This weekend was devoted to figuring out what we'll do to celebrate Toast's second birthday. With the size of our house (small-ish) the number of people we want to help us celebrate (large-ish), and the areas they live in (spread-out-ish), it's a little tricky to figure out this birthday thing. Reason number 43 to have a child in the spring or summer: outdoor birthday parties! Plan accordingly!

So we're having a variety of celebrations, ranging from Toast's favorite dinner at home with Hubby and I on his actual birthday, to a big family celebration at my Mom's house, which is ostensibly for Toast, but also for the other December birthdays. There are a few cousins who LOVE to get mail, LOVE Toast, and still love a good I decided to send them each invitations (even though we had already done the family phone tree invite to all the parents). In addition to them, we are inviting a few of Toast's friends from the neighborhood over for cake. Some invitations were in order!

Here's what I came up with:

I downloaded a digital scrapbook kit from Designer Digitals ( called "Men at Work" and all the artwork is from that. The cards and envelopes are all purpose single sided cards with matching envelopes that I buy in bulk at Target. I use these for EVERYTHING, and they are great.
I'm feeling a bit smug about my skills today.

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